Teach in the United States
Start Your Teaching Career Right!
Or take your teaching career to the next level with the EduCATE program. EduCATE provides non-experienced and experienced international educators with the opportunity to explore a new educational and cultural environment through full-time teaching positions in the United States.
What We Offer
H-1B Visa Sponsorship
Up to three years for qualified individuals for full-time paid teaching positions at accredited K-12 schools.
Extension Options
Option to request an extension on your work visa.
Visa Assistance
Guidance throughout the visa process and interview appointment instructions.
Ongoing Support
Continuous support and guidance throughout your teaching program.
Applying is As Easy As 1 2 3
be non-U.S. Citizen
be of good reputation and character
Satisfies the teaching standards of the U.S. state in which they will teach
Seeks to come to the United States for the purpose of teaching full-time in an accredited school.
Evaluate your Transcript
Meet the requirements
Submitted application must be approved
Degree must be applicable to subject in Education (Mathematics, Science, Education, Arts or Languages)
Have your university's transcript evaluated by an official evaluation service center. (GPA must be 2.95 or higher)
English speaking skills
Take an English Proficiency Test (must be placed in level-5 to proceed).
Submit a copy of your passport.
Calculate your GPA
Start Your Career
Earn your H-1b work visa
Get matched with the right school for you
Offer of Employment
Professional development training
Start teaching
Earn state certificate for teaching
Michigan Education